Wood Encyclopedia: American Alleewood

Scientific Name: foundus paletus Other Common Names: Sloof lirpa, common crate. Growing Regions: Worldwide, particularly industrial areas. Characteristics of Tree: A barkless, leafless, short [...]

Eastern Red Cedar

Scientific Name: Juniperus virginiana Other Common Names: Juniper, aromatic cedar, pencil cedar, Tennessee red cedar Growing Regions: Maine and southern Ontario to South Dakota, south to eastern [...]

Red Oak – Northern

Scientific Name: Quercus rubra Other Common Names: Northern Red Oak Growing Regions: Canada and the United States. Size Characteristics: Grows to 70 feet tall, with a trunk up to 39 inches in [...]


Scientific Name: Juglans nigra Other Common Names: Black walnut, American walnut, American black walnut. Growing Regions: Throughout the eastern United States and Canada. Characteristics of Tree: [...]

Bur Oak

Scientific Name: Quercus macrocarpa Other Common Names: Blue oak, Cucharillo, Encino, Mamecillo, Mossy overcup oak, Roble, Scrub oak Growing Regions: Throughout North America. According to Woods [...]


Scientific Name: Peltogyne venosa Other Common Names: Amaranth, Guarabu, Nazareno, Palo morado, Pau roxo, Purperhart, Saka, Tananeo, Violetwood Growing Regions: Purpleheart grows in Central and [...]

White Ash

Scientific Name: Fraxinus americana Other Common Names: Canadian Ash and American White Ash Growing Regions: Canada and United States Characteristics of Tree: A small- to medium-sized tree, about [...]

White Oak

Scientific Name: Quercus Alba Other Common Names: Swamp Chestnut, Chestnut Oak, Overcup Oak. Growing Regions: USA, Canada and Mexico. Characteristics of Tree: A moderate- ly sized tree, it can [...]


Scientific Name: Swietenia macrophylla Other Common Names: Honduras mahogany, Belize mahogany, Bigleaf mahogany, Mara, Acajou, Caoba. Growing Regions: Mahogany is found in Central and Latin [...]


Scientific Name: Prunus serotina Other common names: Black cherry, cabinet cherry Growing regions: The Eastern half of the United States, plus Arizona and New Mexico; and Mexico and Canada Tree [...]

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