Back Rabbets

The fastest way to rabbet the back of a cabinet is to do it all at once, after the cabinet is assembled. Unlike rabbeting individual pieces before assembly, I don’t have to worry about where to [...]

Fountain Pen Box

A small project such as this pen box is a great way to hone your skills and focus on precision work. Project #2406 • Skill Level: Intermediate • Time: 3 Days • Cost: $35 I was asked by a friend [...]

Blue Spruce Optima Chisel Plane Review

Tool: Optima Chisel Plane Shop Now Manufacturer: Blue Spruce Toolworks MSRP: $119.99 It goes without saying that a chisel is a staple in almost any shop. However, there are some operations where [...]

Classic Door Joinery

How to make strong mortise and tenon joints with a plunge router and a tablesaw. Imagine turning the clock back 500 years and visiting a fellow woodworker in any large European town. You could [...]

Precision Planing Jig

Achieving exact thickness is really important when making splines to reinforce box corners. The splines have to fit perfectly in the saw kerfs—a few thousandths of an inch one way or the other [...]

You Own a Table Saw?!

This hand surgeon likes meeting fellow woodworkers – but not at work. I long ago lost track of how many people, upon learning of my interest in woodworking, have puzzled aloud over my table saw. [...]

xTool P2 Laser Review

Tool: P2 Laser Shop Now Manufacturer: xTool MSRP: $4999 If you spend any amount of time flipping through woodworking content online or on YouTube, you’ve probably been introduced to lasers, and [...]

No More Loose Drawer Knobs

Drawer knobs that work loose and spin around drive me crazy. So instead of drilling a hole through the drawer front and screwing the knobs on from the back, I fasten them to a post that’s [...]

Windsor Shop Stool

A comfortable seat can make a big difference in your work. For a SketchUp model of the Windsor Shop Stool as illustrated in the article, click here. I designed this stool for a special purpose – [...]

WGM ToolWorks Helical Cutter Head Review

Tool: Helical Cutter Head Shop Now Manufacturer: WGM ToolWorks MSRP: $340 (varies) In the last issue, you may have seen a photo of my helical cutter head for the large, vintage jointer that I’m [...]

Traditional Hide Glue Veneering

Learn traditional methods with a veneer hammer and hot hide glue. Veneering has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s a way to take some of the world’s most spectacular but unstable woods, [...]

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