Storable, Portable Turntable

If you do a lot of spray painting and finishing, but don’t have room for a permanent finishing bench, give this turntable a spin. It’s surprisingly sturdy and because it rotates, you can get to [...]

Disposable Guide Blocks

I’ve bandsawn hundreds of puzzle pieces using very small blades. I gave up on the steel guide blocks that came with my saw because when those little blades come in contact with the blocks, they’d [...]

How to Shop for a Lathe [Video]

Being a first-time lathe buyer is a daunting task. How big of lathe do you really need? How powerful should it be? What features should you be looking at? Thankfully Logan is here to take some of [...]

Drawer Squaring Frame

I make a lot of drawers in my shop and got tired of fiddling with squares and pinch rods to square up the boxes during assembly. I decided to build a squaring frame to make the job go much [...]

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