Wiffle Ball

People ask, “How in the world did you make that weird wiffle thing? ”The truth is, it’s really quite simple: it’s just a hollow cube with the corners cut off. Can you figure it out?…

Cube in a Cube

“Kids play with it like a toy, but it drives adults nuts. They think it’s a puzzle. They’re sure there’s some way to get the little cube out of the big cube. You can’t.”…

Carving Incised Letters

Create artistic signs the old-fashioned way. You can churn out lettered signs by the dozens with a router and a set of letter templates or produce them by the hundreds with a CNC machine. So why [...]

Wood Books

They’re so easy and fun to make that you’ll want a dozen! If you can’t stand to throw away good wood, you’ve probably got a stack of short boards that are just waiting to [...]

Impossible Dovetails

Baffle your friends with perplexing joints Press a dovetailed board into another board with matching sockets, and you’ve created woodworking’s most iconic joint. The dovetails and [...]

Wooden Burr Puzzles

Notch a few sticks and drive your friends crazy. Something’s got to give when pieces of wood intersect at 90˚ angles. That’s the reality behind the curious assemblies shown here. [...]

Alphabet Puzzle

Dado a few sticks, then practice your ABCs. Think twice before you take this puzzle apart. It has six faces, each face has nine squares and each square is lettered. That’s two complete alphabets [...]

Cork It!

To protect the edges of small carving tools, stick a wine bottle cork on them. Synthetic corks work best because they don’t break apart as easily as natural cork. Allow the cork to dry for a [...]

Tiny Tools

Here’s a clever way to give all your friends genuine handmade woodworking tools. The materials for these little gems cost next to nothing and they don’t take long to make, because [...]

Folding Bench

“Have chisel, will travel.” As an itinerant carver, teaching classes here and there, I’ve always wanted a bench that I could store in a small space, carry around by hand and set [...]

The Octabox

Is an eight-sided box twice as complicated as one with four sides? Not this one. As far as measuring goes, the OctaBox is easier to build than a rectangular box. On the OctaBox, every side is the [...]

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