Fix Those Wonky Dowels

One of the great frustrations of using dowels in woodwork is that they are rarely round and they are almost never the exact size that you require. Why are they oval? Dowels, like, all round [...]

We’re Launching a Revamped Store!

We’re always working to make your Popular Woodworking experience the best it can be, and we’re getting ready to push the launch button on some improvements in the store that will make your [...]

Veritas Pocket Plane

A few weeks ago Veritas tools (Lee Valley) released their most recent plane. The squirrel-looking plane (there are actually two versions of it: a limited edition stainless steel, and a continuous [...]

Slöyd Knife and Sheath

I have used a slöjd (or slöyd) knife for decades. Fitting them with a handle of your own making is pretty simple, and quite rewarding. You can tailor the handle to suit your hands and/or your [...]

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