New Moxon!

I’m thrilled Chris has printed a new copy of Moxon. And it couldn’t have come at a better time. My old copy is in tatters. Take my advice and buy this new version asap. It won’t [...]

How Big is Your Compressor?

Senior Editor Glen D. Huey and I were chatting yesterday morning about air tools. He really likes air-powered sanders. And we know that some of our contributors like air-powered tools so much [...]

'Out of the Woodwork' Contest Winner

Our thanks to the many of you who sent in entries for our “Out of the Woodwork” Contest. Out of the almost 100 submissions, we selected nine that we plan to print in future issues of [...]

De-building Furniture

The day finally came. I needed poplar drawer stock for a project I was building and there was nothing usable on my lumber rack. But sitting peacefully in the corner of my shop was a poplar [...]

Drawing Tables

From Drafting and Design for Woodworkers,  author Bob Lang describes what information is necessary to develop a design for tables.

A 10-minute Glimpse Into the Past

This morning I stumbled on a cool movie from 1940 that explains the types of woodworking jobs available at the time and has some really fun shots of veneering, furniture-making and patternmaking. [...]

Tool News – Jorgensen Lever Clamp

Jorgensen recently released a new bar clamp, the Lever Clamp. The Lever Clamp comes in 6” and 12” capacities and is perfect for assembly work. Adjusting the lightweight clamp is quick [...]

Rob Cosman's 3-1/2 Minute Dovetail Video

After watching Frank Klausz cut a set of dovetails in three minutes using a special bowsaw blade (see the video here in our video section), Rob Cosman decided to show that it can be done by [...]

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