A Couple Cottage Chairs

My family recently took a trip to Lakeside, Ohio, with another family from our neighborhood. It was someone’s idea to pile all of us in the same van to make the four-hour drive across Ohio, [...]

Helping Out a Friend

We were disheartened to hear that our friend, avid Beatles fan and MASW woodworking instructor, Zane Powell, is now facing a fight with cancer. The mark of a seasoned woodworker is being able to [...]

What Is the CNC Home Position?

Teaching is a two-way street. It’s not just for students. As an instructor, you get to peek into the many different ways students use their tools. Since one of the things I teach is digital [...]

Finding Inspiration in Art

I’ve been working out of town for three of the four last weeks, with precious little time in my shop. So instead of writing about joinery, finishing, or any of the other usual topics, this [...]

Modern Kitchen Island – I Can Do That!

We just published a new episode of I Can Do That! In this episode, I built a small kitchen island for our video producer, Jake Motz. It features a premanufactured top, plywood base and some [...]

Tool Test: Compact Pocket Hole Machine

Pocket holes are my go-to for quick and easy assemblies – shop furniture and jigs made out of plywood – as well as making face frames and cabinets.Castle’s newest pocket hole machine, the Castle [...]

Make a Reclaimed or Scrap Wood Quilt

Last week I taught a class on how to design and build furniture using reclaimed and scrap wood at Snow Farm School of Crafts. Some students brought a trunk full of scraps from their own shops, [...]

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