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Traveling Tool Chest: Simply Stunning

Last week, we shot the cover photo for the August issue. It’s a classic English tool chest sized for travel (though it holds almost a full complement of furniture making tools, sans [...]

Float Expectations

I never thought a float would provoke the level of interest it did when I mentioned in my last post that I would need to sharpen it. I was interested to note how different people had contrasting [...]

Call for Submissions: Treehouse Projects

Calling all woodworkers and Weekend Warriors! Have you designed and built a treehouse you’re proud of (either as a fun playhouse for your kid or something more elaborate such as a vacation home [...]

Furniture from Another Planet

A drunken brawl in “Tacuinum Sanitatis.” In our minds, we all have a good idea of what a typical chair, table, stool, desk or workbench looks like and how these pieces are built. But [...]

Rasp? Just Sand It!

Dale Barnard has been building furniture professionally for decades. And during a recent video shoot, it was very comforting to see that I wasn’t the only one breaking the rules on sanding. [...]

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