Precision in the Woodshop

You’re measuring wrong, and making it more difficult to do good work. If the title has you expecting high-tech procedures or suggestions for expensive measurement gear that’ll get you closer to [...]

Nice Curves, No Math

Mechanical solutions for the formula-challenged woodworker. There was a time when I was fairly good at math – but that was back when “personal” and “computer” were two words you’d never expect to [...]

Apologia for the Custom Handplane

The best rationale for these ultra high-end tools might not be what you think. Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the December 2015 issue of Popular Woodworking Over the [...]

Kumiko Lamp

The road to enlightenment is paved with lots of little strips of wood. I am not by nature organized or detail-oriented. When I was young, I was the guy with the punk rock blaring and the [...]

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