Dawks at the Yale Furniture Study

A few weeks ago I was invited by the Yale University Art Gallery to do a presentation on colonial wood turning. The event took place at their legendary Furniture Study in lieu of their weekly [...]

Romanticizing Tools (Without Shame)

I learned how to make tools from two places: 1.With Hammer in Hand (The book about the Dominy workshop) and 2. American museum tool collections. When I looked at these collections, I saw an [...]

A Father’s Helping Hand

This past week my father flew out to help with the restoration of a 200-year-old cape my wife and I have undertaken. (More on that here.) Because we have to get the entire house off the property [...]

Good Enough

I recently had someone tell me that they thought I was a particular and precise individual. This caught me off guard because that‘s not the way I think of myself. My standard for “precise” [...]

I am a Hopeless Antiquarian

I’ll just come out and say it: I’m a hopeless antiquarian. For those of you who already know me, that will come as no surprise – but you should know it wasn’t always that way. My fascination with [...]

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