Thank You Karl Holtey

An interesting e-mail dropped into my inbox yesterday. Across the top of the message was simple written “Karl Holtey.” Knowing that name, I eagerly opened the message. And if [...]

Coved Doors on the Tablesaw

Coved Doors on the Tablesaw Make beautiful raised panels without a router table and expensive bits. By George Vondriska The tool of choice for most small-shop woodworkers who want [...]

The S-shaped Curve – Oh, Geez

I woke up this morning knowing I had to write a blog post today on the topic of ogees. “Oh, geez,” was my first thought. “I don’t really know what an ogee is.” By noon, after looking at lots of [...]

Compulsory Viking Tool Chest

A few weeks ago, I posted about “Build a Viking Tool Chest,” a start-to-finish instructional DVD (also available as a download) from woodworker and blacksmith Don Weber. He shows you [...]

Improve Hand Plane Performance

There was a time when nearly even adult male in the United States owned a Stanley #4 smooth plane. The one I have was passed down to me by my dad (a chemical engineer) who got it from his dad …

Q & A: Chisel Sharpening Angles

Grind a new 25-degree bevel. Grind all the way up to the leading end. Make sure the end is square within a few degrees. To prevent overheating, frequently dip the chisel in water as you approach [...]

AW Extra 2/20/14 – Turning Halves

Turning Halves I often make decorative turnings that I later divide into two halves. Sawing the turnings down the middle is awkward and reduces the diameter by the width of the saw kerf. The [...]

Setting up a Woodworking Shop

You may think the hardest part about setting up a woodworking shop is the layout. Yes, it can be time-consuming (depending on the level of detail you put into it), but in my experience creating [...]

Trophy Coffee Table

Trophy Coffee Table Stunning Beauty Right from the Tree By Dave Munkittrick Big planks of wood with natural bark edges make my heart race. Most woodworkers share a desire to build something from [...]

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