The 17-degree Difference

When I was first learning to use a handplane, I was both intimidated and skeptical of some of the claims made by the “handplane gods.” The gods claimed they could plane any species of [...]

Three Cultures, One Workbench

The most common question I’m asked these days (right behind “Could you please get me some chocolate raisins at Trader Joe’s?”) is this one: “What is your dream [...]

New PVA Glue from The Gorilla Glue Co.

Gorilla Glue will release a new polyvinyl acetate glue this month that is designed to compete directly with the woodworking mainstays, Titebond and ProBond glues. The new Gorilla Wood Glue is a [...]

Don’t Use Push Pads or Sticks: Part 2

As I wrote in one of my comments on the previous entry, I knew this would be a hot topic for the blog. And, I was right! Finally, the smoke has cleared a bit, so it’s time to stoke the …

Fancy French Footwork

One of the best things about building old-style workbenches (like Andre Roubo’s bench above) is that there are little lessons you learn by using them. At times, you learn the lesson [...]

Kicked out of the Front Office

In high school and college, I spent most of my summers working in factories. I spent two summers in a liquor factory (I’ll never drink straight tequila again , it’s what we used to [...]

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