I find my stock band saw table too small to support many workpieces, so I outfitted it with a larger, auxiliary table. However, I wanted to be able to remove it quickly when I needed to utilize [...]
An angular front and glass doors lend visual interest to this classic Krenov design. Through the early stages of my woodworking, when I was sweating away evenings in a Mississippi basement trying [...]
Turning tools come in many shapes. Here’s how to keep those shapes sharp. Many years ago, I was cooking with a friend who was home visiting his parents during a college break. He struggled with a [...]
The key to good rip cuts is a good rip fence. The Biesemeyer table saw fence is so much a part of the modern shop that the name is almost an adjective: Even if your saw’s fence is designed by …
Keeping warm: What jackets should you be wearing in the workshop? Every year as the days get shorter and the temps get lower, woodworkers emerge from pseudo-hibernation to go into their shops and [...]
Tool: Scriber Buy Now Manufacturer: Tooley Park MSRP: £28 20% discount on the scribers this week (ends Sat 8th Feb) with the code TPF1 at checkout! There are often times, where there’s [...]
Installing the hinges. Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 Most of the time, when building furniture or boxes, I opt for high-quality extruded brass butt hinges, …